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Review of geographical names

Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) and the naming authorities of the Geographical Names Board of Canada (GNBC) are aware of the derogatory nature of certain place names. The names of geographical features, as well as community names, are not static and may change through processes and procedures maintained by Canada's naming authorities.

Provinces, territories and some federal departments hold jurisdiction for geographical naming activities. When provincial and territorial naming authorities are made aware of the inappropriateness or derogatory nature of certain place names, the naming authority addresses the issue according to policies and procedures specific to the jurisdiction.

Provincial and territorial naming authorities receive requests to name or rename geographical features on a regular basis. Names that are officially adopted are added to the national names database.

What we are doing

We are part of a working group for federal, provincial and territorial GNBC members to share and discuss anti-racism commitments and statements, best practices, and approaches to addressing derogatory geographical names across the country.

To identify or request a change to an inappropriate geographical name of an undersea and surface maritime feature, visit our Advisory Committee of Undersea Feature Names webpage

For more information, about inappropriate geographical names, visit the Geographical Names Board of Canada.

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